Mzalendo is a Kenyan non-partisan Parliamentary monitoring organization whose mission is to “promote the realization of open, inclusive, and accountable Parliaments across Kenya and Africa”.

Defending the Vital Role of Civil Society Organizations in Kenya

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Our low standards of leadership are breeding a disdainful crop of leaders

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More and More, MPs need to Engage with Citizens for Representative Leadership to be a Reality

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A Reactive Government in the Face of Proactive Adversities

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What we do:

Promoting and Monitoring Legislative Openness

We champion access to Parliamentary information and use technology to make Parliament more accessible.

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Promoting Inclusive Parliaments and Political Processes

We champion the inclusion of marginalized people in Parliamentary and political processes.

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Promoting Civic Engagement, Scrutiny and Accountability of Parliaments

We champion public participation, citizen oversight over Parliaments, and more consultative and responsive political processes by developing tools for participation and consultation.

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This week’s SMS question:

Have you interacted with the Finance Bill 2023? If so, what are you thoughts on the proposals of the Bill?

"From isiolo county its terrible for this will enable those in powers not common Wana inchi let them build schools and other basics."

"Approved but increase the PAYE to 12m Annual and use 40% Alex K Kiambu County"

"It is a bill troup kenyans. It is also contriving to what we have expected from the government. It will result into infliction of all commodities cousing kenyans to live beyond their means. Our hope is that let God rescue kenyans by streathenig the azimio mps to opposite in parliament. By Lawrence kirima from Meru County Kangeta Ward."

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