Members of the National Assembly

Responsibilities as Member of the National Assembly

Representation: Acts on your behalf on issues of concern to you & the nation.
Oversight: Controls budget, oversees the presidency, ministries and parastatals plus appointments.
Legislation: Develops or contributes to law making.
NG-CDF: Runs the Constituency Development Fund.

Current Position Holders

Simiyu, Patrick

Member for Cherangany Constituency.

Sirma, Musa

Member for Eldama Ravine Constituency.

Siyoi Lillian Chebet

Women's Representative for Trans Nzoia.

Sloya, Clement

Member for Sabatia Constituency.

Sopiato Leah Sankaire

Women's Representative for Kajiado.

Soud, Mohamed

Member for Mvita Constituency.

Sunkuiya George Risa

Member for Kajiado West Constituency.

Sunkuyia, George Risa

Member for Kajiado West Constituency.

Tandaza, Kassim Sawa

Member for Matuga Constituency.

Tonkei Rebecca

Women's Representative for Narok.

Tonui, Joseph

Member for Kuresoi South Constituency.

Tubi, Mohammed

Member for Isiolo South Constituency.

Twalib, Badi

Member for Jomvu Constituency.

Udgoon Siyad Kuno

Women's Representative for Garissa.

Vikiru, Timothy

Member for Lurambi Constituency.

Vitisia, Ken

Member for Vihiga Constituency.