Member of the National Assembly for Kanduyi
Started on Aug. 16, 2022.
Member of Forum for Restoration of Democracy - Kenya
He made a clarification and contributed during discussions on the various clauses of the Conflict of Interest Bill(29th Nov 2023)Contributed on the motion on consideration of report on the insurance(amendment)bill. Disagreed on the adoption of report on financial statements for the Kenya Slum upgrading low cost housing and infrastructure.Contributed on the Senate Amendments to the Affordable Housing Bills. Seconded an adoption of report on the 2024 Medium Term Debt Management strategy.Contributed on the second reading of the Digital Health Bill(26th October 2023).Contributed in the request for a statement on delays in disbursement of money by the National Treasury.Contributed on the motion on Senate Amendments to the Affordable Housing Bill (14th October 2023).Contributed in the request for a statement on delays in disbursement of money by the National Treasury.Contributed on the discussion on the second reading of the Regional Development Authorities Bill(12th March 2024).Contributed on the motion on adoption of report on the financial statements for the NG-CDF for constituencies in Kakamega County.Contributed on the second reading of the Regional Development Authorities Bill (13th March 2024).Requested a statement on mysterious death and cremation and Mr.William Mulwa Mutilangi.Contributed on the Kenya Drugs Authority Bill(24th October 2023).Raised a question to the CS for National treasury and Economic Planning.Contributed on the discussion on Digital Health Bill (27th September 2023).Contributed on the motion on demolitions in Mavoko ,Machakos County.Contributed on the second reading on The Houses of Parliament(Bicameral Relations)Bill.(20th March 2024).He advised Members of Parliament to separate the Executive from Parliament on matters to do with financing.He welcomed colleagues from South Sudan who were present for the purpose of interacting with the Budget and Appropriations Committee, the Departmental Committee on Finance and National Planning.He contributed on the petition on the Amendment of the Penal Code to provide for the offence of sextortion. He urged his colleagues to implement the Report.He urged Members of Parliament to look at the petition from both sides and not only the female side.He contributed to the amendment of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Bill. He concluded by supporting the Bill.Contributed on the motion on adoption of report on compliance to article (54)2 of the Constitution Regarding employment of persons with disabilities in public institutions.He weighed in on the petition regarding compensation of land compulsorily acquired along Kibwezi -Kitui (1st August 2023).Contributed on the Privatisation Act .Commented on a procedural motion.Commented on the second reading of The Division of Revenue Bill.(20th March 2024).Supported the Insurance(Amendment)Bill.(25th October 2023).Moved amendments on the Universities Act.Contributed on the motion on adoption of report of the auditor general on the financial statements of state corporations for various financial years(8th August 2023)Spoke in support of the motion on the limitation of debate on motions sponsored by individual member.Contributed on the discussion on the statement of activities of worldcoin in Kenya(9th August 2023)Complained on inaccessibility of a machine in parliament(16th August 2023)Contributed on a procedural motion .Contributed on a discussion on the Climate Change (Ammendment)Bill(23rd August 2023) Contributed on the discussion on the Statutory Instruments(Amendment) Bill. Contributed on the motion on irregular and double allocating of parcels of land in Chepchoina Settlement Schemes in Trans nzoia.Contributed on the discussion on the Conflict of Interest Bill. Contributed on the Second reading of the Supplementary Appropriation Bill(21st November 2023)Contributed on the discussion on the Wildlife Conservation and Management Bill (22nd November 2023)Welcomed the delegation from the commonwealth parliamentary association.Contributed on the discussion on Senate Amendments to the County Governments Additional Allocation Bill.(23rd November 2023)Contributed on the motion on adoption of report on loans contracted by the national government between May 2022 and April 2023. He proposed for the proper discussion of expenditure as per Article 223 of the Constitution at a later date isntead of rushing it to ensure members were well informed about its impact to the public. He contributed to the debate on the adoption of Report of Financial Statements for NG-CDF in Bungoma County and proposed for increment of CDF allocation to further developments. He contributed to the motion on budget increase and supported it, but emphasized that distribution should be done equitably. On the same issue, he stated that members who do not spend public resourced well should not be allcoated more. He contributed on the debate on revenue expenditure, stating that the government was overwhelmed by the increasing debt repayment obligations, which in turn harm the citizens' livelihoods. He debated on the Finance Bill 2024 motion and urged members to vote against it based on the introduction of levies that would negatively affect the economy. Critiqued government vetting processes for inconsistencies and called for better representation of marginalized groups, particularly persons with disabilities. He called for greater action to remove trade and labor barriers within the East African Community, and proposed unified currency and policies to foster economic growth. He was of the idea of counties to digitize revenue collection and explore untapped resources like mineral wealth to reduce dependency on national allocations. He highlighted the mismatch between budget proposals and approved allocations for counties, urging realistic budgeting and expedited frameworks for grants, loans, and royalties. Advocated for stricter penalties for importing harmful health products, emphasizing the need to protect citizens from harmful technologies. He opposed a proposal to merge all bursary schemes, citing concerns about equitable distribution and also suggested focusing on free education for all students to avoid regional and systemic disparities. He emphasized on the issue of unfair allocation of national resources, urging the government to address systemic inequities before proposing structural changes.
Makali, John does not belong to any House Committees.
Education and Experience:
From |
To |
Institution |
Qualification |
1994 |
1995 |
Kenya School of Law |
Post Graduate Diploma in Law |
1990 |
1994 |
University of Nairobi |
Bachelors of Laws (LLB) Second Class Honours (Upper Division) |
1988 |
1989 |
St. Patrick’s High School Iten |
19 Points (KACE) |
1984 |
1987 |
Bungoma Boys High School |
1st Division (KCE) 13 Points 1st Division |
1977 |
1983 |
Musikoma Primary School |
28 Points |
From |
To |
Employer |
Position held |
2022 | 2027 | Parliamentary Service Commission | MP Kanduyi Constituency |
2013 |
2017 |
County Assembly of Bungoma |
Speaker |
1998 |
2022 |
Self Employed At M/S J.O. Makali and Company Advocates |
Senior Partner |
1996 |
1998 |
M/S Wetang’ula and Company Advocates |
Associate |
Professional Affiliations: Law Society of Kenya
Best Final Year Arts Student at St. Patrick’s Iten and Bungoma High School; and the University of Nairobi Faculty of Law