Hon. Mbui, Robert

DP: Aug. 16, 2017 to July 29, 2022.
Current positions

Member of the National Assembly for Kathiani
Started on Aug. 16, 2017.

Member of Democratic Party Kenya

Parliamentary contributions


Debated on the motion on adoption of report on inquiry into maize flour subsidy programme 2022/2023.

Contributed on the motion on the adoption of report of the auditor general on the financial statements of state corporations for various institutions.

Contributed on the discussion on the statement of activities of worldcoin in Kenya.

He supported the procedural motion during the Consideration of Business Received during Recess.

Contributed to the discussion on the establishment of a National Dialogue Committee(16th August 2023).

He condoled with the family of Late General Ogolla.Seconded the IEBC(Amendment)Bill.

Contributed on a motion on adoption of report on ratification of protocols relating to amendments to the convention on international civil aviation.

Rejected the National Government Administration Laws(Amendment)Bills.(19th March 2024).

Contributed on the second reading of the Digital Health Bill(26th October 2023).

Contributed on the petition on the ban on the use of asbestos as a roofing material.Supported the motion on adoption  of report on proposed reduction of projected ceilings for KeRRa. He contributed to the Affordable Housing Bill.

Contributed on the motion on Senate Amendments to the Affordable Housing Bill.

Sought leave for adjournment on a matter of national importance on demolitions in Mavoko ,Machakos County.Contributed on the motion on adoption of report on the inspection of one stop border posts in the northen corridor.

The MP highlighted that Kenyan farmers were sold fake fertilizer through the NCPB, under the Agriculture Cabinet Secretary's watch. Despite a House motion to dismiss the Secretary, a Committee overturned it. Four members, including Hon. TJ Kajwang and Hon. Yusuf Farah, supported the farmers. The MP criticized the Committee for not calling key witnesses.Supported the petition on the asbestos ban by Hon. Saney, highlighting the health risks and calling for legislative action to prohibit the use of asbestos in any buildings.Supported the Motion regarding the reduction of projected ceilings for KeRRA, expressing concern over attempts to circumvent legislative processes and reduce funds meant for rural roads .Laid papers on the Report of the Public Petitions Committee.nt strategy.Contributed on the petition on illegal acquisition of Kapkakaron Farm in Nandi Hills Sub County.Contributed on the discussion on  a statement on recommendations of presidential working party on education reforms. Gave a statement on collection and transportation of upcoming national examinations.Contribute on the discussion on the petition on access to national parks by livestock grazers during drought.Raised a point of order on replacement of Hon.Sabina Chege as Deputy Whip of Minority Party.Contributed on the discussion on The Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act (11th October 2023)Contributed on the discussion on the Official Secrets Act (11th October 2023)Contributed on a procedural issue.Contributed on the discussion on the Second reading of the Facilities Improvement Financing Bill(12th October 2023)Contributed on the petition by Mr. Roberts Wekesa on Unlawful Deductions by TSC.Supported the petition on enactment of proposed geophysical professionals bill.

Contributed on the discussion of the second reading on The National Government Constituencies .(26th October 2023) .

He advised the Cabinet Secretary regarding a remark made about students potentially being married and also raised concerns about the Ministry of Education's failure to bring the Safety Standards Manual. He expressed concerns about the preparedness of the education sector, particularly regarding the shortage of classrooms and teachers and emphasized the need for urgent solutions. ontributed to the debate on land committees legislation by supporting the establishment of constituency-level land committees to replace land control boards

Committee Memberships:

Mbui, Robert does not belong to any House Committees.

Education and Experience:
Mbui, Robert does not have an educational profile yet.
Mbui, Robert does not have an experience profile yet.