Home » Eye on Parliament » Senate » Oginga, Oburu
Sen. Oburu Odinga is an experienced legislator who will be serving his first term as a Senator for Siaya County. He previously held the seat of Bondo Constituency from 1994 - 2013 and served as Assistant Minister for Finance in the Grand Coalition government.
Member of the Senate for Siaya County
Started on Aug. 16, 2022.
Member of Orange Democaratic Movement
Oginga, Oburu does not have any contributions.
Committee Memberships:Oginga, Oburu does not belong to any House Committees.
Education and Experience:1967 - 1970: PhD (Economics)
1963 - 1967: Msc in Economics
Kenya Institute of Administration (Public Administration - Finance)
2018 - 2022: East Africa Legislative Assembly (Member of Parliament)
2013 - 2017: Kenya National Assembly (Nominated Member)
1994 - 2013: Kenya National Assembly (Members of Parliament for Bondo Constituency)
1981 - 1994: Ministry of Planning and National Development Kenya (Economist)
1974: Lohre Transports (Finance Director)
1972 - 1980: Lutatco (General Manager)
1974 - 1979: Kisumu Municipality (Councillor)