Employment Bill does not discriminate on age

In this second part of the interview with Hon. Johnson Sakaja, he discusses reasons behind setting up a new institution and not amending existing laws within the Ministry of labor. He also discloses the interests both local and international for the Bill, how it will be devolved to all Counties, including areas with less ICT penetration, the public interface of the registry and what will be public or not and reasons behind requesting for this information and in-built checks and balances. In addition, the Bill will be of benefit to all, regardless of the age including the informal sector albeit the use of the word youth is for emphasis purposes. Finally, Hon. Sakaja states that the authority, once set up is what will assist to improve the education system to ensure courses studied are in line with market dynamics.

Find it here



You can find the Bill here

Posted by Mzalendo Editor on March 30, 2015

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