Procrastination Nation?

By Mzalendo Contributor  - Moreen Majiwa (you can follow her on twitter - @mmajiwa)

Are you surprised that the constitutional deadlines for the establishment of the
Constitution Implementation Commission and the Commission on Revenue were missed?

This is part of a larger trend in our national politics:

  • The report of the Interim Independent Boundaries Review Commission was published just a few days before the end of its term, leaving little time for reasoned debate before the expiry of its term.
  • The TJRC was established just before the deadline.
  • We had 3 months from the promulgation of the new constitution to establish the Constitution Implementation Commission and the Commission on Revenue Allocation yet the nominees for the Commissions were interviewed and tabled before parliament only a few days before the deadline for their establishment, leaving no time to accommodate dissent or debate before the lapse of the constitutional deadline.

Perhaps the lack of deliberate and intentional focus with regard to meeting deadlines explains the disconnect in the effort and energy put into campaign process preceding the voting in of the new constitution and the nominal advancement made with regard specific action towards its implementation.

Much is still to be done with regards to securing the long-term transformation and gains envisioned in the new constitution, now is not the time to procrastinate. It is imperative that the parliament open renewed and reasoned political dialogue to break the current stalemate on the establishment of the Constitution Implementation Commission and the Commission on Revenue Allocation and create new deadlines in place of the ones that
have been missed.

Second, Parliament should implement the provisions in the constitution designed to strengthen enforcement of sanctions related to the failure to meet implementation deadlines and effectively seal the vacuums that exist with regard to accountability for missing the deadlines set out in schedule 5 of the new constitution.

Finally, the government shouldt put in place administrative reforms to root out political interference with the process and ensure the appropriate environment for the constitution implementation process.

Posted by Mzalendo Editor on Dec. 4, 2010

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